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An upcoming project.

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Apr 7th, 2010
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Yesterday, I was talking with Ann Charles about a promotion project she has in the works for an upcoming novel. I had the suggestion that she raffle off a character spot in a future book. Not necessarily anything elaborate, but something fun where the fan can tell their friends, “hey, that guy is based on me”.

She said to me: Get on it will you?

So that is what I am going to be researching over the next couple of months…I know of a few authors that have done this sort of thing, and I have a couple of books where the author mentions it. The tricky bit will be figuring out what sort of release will be needed. Obviously the final say would be up to a lawyer, but I’m sure I can get her 90% of  what she needs.

Stay tuned for what I figure out on this topic.


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